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PME 800 - Self-Regulated Learning and Inquiry

My  Interpretation of Self-Regulated Learning

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"[Self-Regulated Learning] is not one-size-fits all; it should be tailored for individual students and for specific learning tasks" (Zimmerman, 2002).

Zimmerman, B. J. (2002). Becoming a self-regulated learner: An overview. Theory into Practice, 41(2), 64-70.

Welcome to my PME 800 course's Final Project. This section of my website was created to document my journey as I tackled a personal goal - To lose 10 pounds by March 5th, 2019 - using the principals of self-regulated learning. 

What is Self-Regulated Learning?

SRL involves one's ability to be in tune with oneself in that one takes the time to understand how one learns. This process is highly detailed, focused, and personal. It takes time to develop. It involves 3 principal phases that have been coined by one of the Father's of Self-Regulated Learning, B.J. Zimmerman. These phases include the Forethought, Performance and Reflection Phases (Zimmerman, 2002). As one works through these processes, the learner deals with issues pertaining to motivation, self-efficacy and ensures their environment is one that is conducive to their learning. The learner engages in rigorous self-reflection, which leads to an abundance of self-discovery that prompts changes to the planned strategies set up for goal achievement. This cyclical approach, when practiced throughout one's life, will establish a framework that will promote personal and professional success.

My inquiry project is rooted in this philosophy.  In my Forethought Phase I outline, in detail, my SMART goal, along with my delineated proximal goals, and my motivational reasons behind choosing the goal. I have enveloped this goal in an ample amount of research to keep me in a constant flux between my learning and performance zones. I have created a monitoring process document which will keep me focused.

Throughout this project we have been exposed to the profoundly influential research from numerous academics including (Chronologically from within the timeframe of the course): Stuart Shanker, Pintrich, P. R., Zimmerman, B. J., & Shunk, D. H.,  Zumbrunn, S., Tadlock, J., Roberts, E. D., Briceno,  E., Locke, E. A., Latham, G. P., among others, whose research is rooted in all aspects of SRL, and I have intertwined their theories and their messages throughout my project. 

My Performance Phase, as mentioned above, is engrained in the balance between learning and performing. Every week, I dove into more research. I am in constant need to try and understand myself better since weight loss, and weight in general, is a very personal and emotional issue for me. . At the end of every week, I spent time in the Reflection Phase. It was in this phases that I was able to come to some significant realizations about myself, and it is because of this process that I now value this particular part of SRL. One cannot improve upon oneself if one does not know where to start.

You will find my Forethought, Performance and Self-Reflections Phases here. I invite you to also read my Blog posts related to my research as my self-reflection takes on another level that I feel brings value to my inquiry as a whole. 


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