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  • Writer's pictureErika Stanischewski

My Reflection on: "Why We Eat the Foods We Do"

This article provides food for thought; yes the pun was intended! The following is a reflection on some of the key points that resonated with me.

1) "If you learn more about what influences your choices, you may be better able to control what you eat each day" (Zelman, K., 2005). I completely agree with this fact, and this proves how important the Reflection Phase is in the SRL process. I am an emotional eater. Stress and sadness are my biggest triggers. Knowing this, puts the power and control in my hands. The strength however, to act on this control, is yet another issue. Again, SRL plays a role in this. If I continue to acquire self-regulation strategies to help encourage proper choices in relation to my emotional state, then with time I will better manage my food choices.

2) The number one reason why we choose to eat something is because of taste (Zelman, K., 2005). Sugar, is my biggest issue. The more sugar we eat, the more we want. Furthermore, when we cut out sugar, we go through a withdrawal. However, we can teach ourselves to enjoy foods we do not normally turn to. I was able to do this throughout my weight loss journey. And although I tend to return to sugar in moments of stress, I am able to cut it out again.

3) "Knowing your diet personality will offer insight into why you make some of your food choices" (Zelman, K., 2005). This statement is again in support of the SRL process. Taking the time to understand how and why I make the food choices that I do will help curb bad habits. I also believe that I would not be able to function on a diet that would ask me to cut out a particular food. As long as I can budget it into my daily food allowance, I will feel satisfied and not deprived.

4) Surrounding myself with people who eat within healthy norms, limiting my choices (which is why I often repeat my meals), and choosing healthier options when convenience eating is required, are all self-regulation strategies that I can employ to support my success.

As I see my inquiry project continuing beyond this course, I will need to continue using the strategies outlined here and throughout my project. As long as I continue to self-reflect and make the necessary changes and FORGIVE moments when it does not go as planned, then success can happen.


Zelman, K., (2005). WebMD. Why We Eat the Foods We Do. Retrieved from:

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