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  • Writer's pictureErika Stanischewski

My Reflection to Blogger Andie Mitchell's Weight Loss Story

As I conducted my research at the beginning of my inquiry project, I set out to find Blogs from women who are/have facing weight loss in the scope of what I am. I came across Andie Mitchell's Blog and I was immediately drawn to her site not only because it was visually appealing (colorful, happy, healthy food), but that her journey is so similar to my own. In this reflection post, I will go through some of the most profound statements from Andie's weight loss journey.

Fact 1: When one loses weight, a significant amount of weight, it is not just a physical transformation, it is a transformation of the mind. Even though I am still in the process of losing weight, I have already come a long way. My thinking about the food I am eating has changed significantly. My need to integrate physical activity again is burning inside since I can feel the spring air and I am finally, finally, finally feeling better! In addition, my mind needs work in the sense that as I lose the weight I have to shift from thinking like a "fat" person to thinking like a healthy person. One that takes pride in her health and is making the right decisions for herself and for her son. I also think that I am mentally dealing with how others approach me. Yes, I have received the fantastic compliments regarding my progress so far, however in my mind I do not feel like I deserve them. Therefore, I need to continue to work on my mental transformation and that may take a little longer.

Fact 2: Weight loss and healthy living has to become a "Journey of Balance" (Mitchell, A., 2019). Channeling health needs to become ingrained in my person. It cannot always be something I have to consciously think about. In terms of SRL, once the skills I am learning have become part of who I am, then I feel that I have really reached the summit of growth and development. Therefore, I am striving to reach that balance where it (healthy living) becomes a natural instinct.

Fact 3: I acknowledge that I have an emotional relationship with eating! I have clearly always had and emotional relationship with food, and now that my adult life contains numerous daily challenges and responsibilities, my emotional eating has reached the highest it has ever been (I can save this for another post - maybe even my own weight loss blog). Andie Mitchell has passed on some questions that I can ask myself regarding my possible emotional eating triggers: "Am I anxious? Am I stressed? Am I bored? Am I lonely? Do I want to procrastinate this project or task?" My answer is YES to ALL of these questions. I know I need to take the time to unpack all the compounded reasons that lead me to use food as an escape. As I alluded to in one of my assignments, I may need to invest in some therapy in order to further acquire the SRL skills needed to make the life-long commitment to my health and to ensure that a healthy lifestyle becomes part of my normal. Within time, I will look to these resources and options.

Fact 4: Having to lose a lot of weight feels terribly overwhelming. This fact alone is one of the reasons why I did not start this journey earlier. It is almost like I didn't feel I was worth the time it would take. But just starting it is important and taking one step at a time is progress. Meeting small proximal goals is manageable and doable. Surviving family dinners without spiraling out of control is progress, thinking of myself in a positive way progress!

Fact 5: "What helps is committing to just today" (Mitchell, A. 2019). Amen! Sometimes, it has to be committing to the meal at the moment. Baby steps! Baby steps! The fact I am able to honestly reflect and document everything that I have been, is both liberating and purifying. Perhaps THIS could be my therapy.

Andi Mitchell's Blog site has a plethora of additional resources both motivating and practical. I have immersed myself in her world and have found myself standing in her shoes. I will be using her site as my weight loss journey continues after the timeframe of this class. Thank You Andie!


Mitchell, A. (2019, February 3). Andie Mitchell Recipes Inspiration Life. Retrieved from

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